All sales are final.
All items are non-refundable.
If this event allows ticket transfers, you can transfer tickets to someone else by going into your confirmation email > View & Manage Order > Edit Ticket Info / Transfer.
From there, you can change the name on the ticket & email it to the transferred person.
Setup and arrival time: Verde Vineyards staff will be present to direct vendors to their assigned area for set-up beginning at 10 AM (Event opens at 12 PM). Vendors who arrive after the start of the event may forfeit pre-assigned booth location and be assigned an alternate location. All vendors must be completely set up 15 minutes prior to the event start (11:45 AM) and remain set up and in place until event ends (5:00 PM).
Booth Supplies: Vendors are expected to provide their own table and/or canopy.
Rain or shine: I am aware that all events are rain or shine.
No vehicles: Vendors must park in a nearby parking space and unload items there. Verde Vineyards staff will have carts to help with large items.
Signage and sales: Vendors will be allowed to display banner and signage to identify their business. Vendors will be able to sell merchandise through their selected payment systems and are responsible for reporting sales tax and for any compliance issues, such as a business license or worker’s compensation insurance, if required.
Insurance and liability: Verde Vineyards does not provide insurance or coverage to vendors; any insurance must be placed and paid by the exhibitor. I hereby relieve Verde Vineyards and its personnel and contractors for any responsibility for the safekeeping of vendor property or for any injuries that may occur to me or my personnel while at this event.
Advertising: Vendors may distribute flyers, business cards, coupons, menus or other material to patrons within their vendor booth area. Social media posting is encouraged.
Hashtags: #VerdeVineyards #WSCV
Facebook: @VerdeVineyardsGilroy
Instagram: @verdevineyards
Compliance: Failure to comply with any of the policies and procedures outlined in this application/agreement, Verde Vineyards reserves the right to charge additional fees for damage, clean-up and/or dismiss a vendor with no refund of advance payments.
Acceptance of agreement: By purchasing a vendor ticket, I acknowledge that I have read, agree to and will abide by the Vendor Agreement and Rules listed herein. Without limiting the foregoing, I also understand that all transactions executed by me through registering for Verde Vineyards Artisan Faire or thereafter which I execute as an exhibitor are final and that there are no refunds. I understand that violation of the policies and procedures could result in being asked to leave the venue by Verde Vineyards staff.